Results for 'Henry Mauricio Chaparro Solano'

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  1. Genes, datos y replicantes : cine y bioética en la era genómica.Ana Isabel Gómez Córdoba, Henry Mauricio Chaparro Solano, Boris Julián Pinto Bustamante, Anamaría Reinoso & Laura Vanesa Ríos Samper - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel (eds.), Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    A propósito de los efectos ético-políticos sobre la vulnerabilidad: de la criminalización a la humanización.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez & Henry Roberto Solano Vélez - 2021 - Isegoría 64:06-06.
    Vulnerability, understood as a negative aspect of criminalization under immune considerations, constitutes itself as a creative and transformative force that makes it possible to think about a life in common sustained through care and affirmative protection of life. The development of this idea requires three specific stages: in the first, it is described the current democracy as a government technique whose management depends on vulnerable populations; in the second, it is reviewed criminalization as a specific form of immune control; and (...)
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Platón.Pedro Pablo Apolinario, Wilder Chanduví, Mariana Chu, Maribel Cuenca, Henry Galecio, Gabriel García, Rubén León, Julio Marchena, Bernardo Meza, Aurelio Miní, Víctor Montero, Gabriela Núñez, Martín Oyata, Raschid Rabí, Ernesto Reátegui, Rocío Reátegui, Carla Sáenz, Marco Sano, Gabriela Sarmiento, Camilo Thorne, Gabriela Trujillo, Ricardo Ugaz, Carmen Zavala, Ruth Zea & Mauricio Zeballos - 2000 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:119-159.
    Este repertorio registra los artículos sobre Platón que se encuentran en la Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca Central de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El listado abarca las publicaciones existentes hasta el primer semestre del año 2000.
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    From rationality to credibility: The proposal to epistemological faith in the “Grammar of assent” by John Henry Newman.Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 40:95-120.
    Resumen A partir de la Ilustración, la ciencia y la fe ―otrora caminos comunes para alcanzar conocimiento―, se han visto divorciadas y constituidas como realidades divergentes que se oponen cada vez más. La modernidad trajo consigo la insistencia en estas ideas y el divorcio entre ciencia y fe parece no detenerse. El presente artículo propone en un dialogo con John Henry Newman reconocer el lugar propio de la ciencia positiva respecto de la fe religiosa, presentando la distinción epistemológica, o (...)
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    Between anthropology and faith: Centrality the theme of anglican homilies by John Henry Newman.Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 34:187-210.
    La pregunta por la fe religiosa y sus posibilidades en el mundo moderno, suponen una determinada comprensión del ser humano. En efecto, dependiendo de cómo el hombre se comprenda a sí mismo será la manera que tenga de reconocer sus posibilidades hacia una experiencia creyente, y abrirse a la acogida de ella como una realidad posible y plausible. Esto es lo que entendió muy bien, desde el principio de su ministerio, el cardenal John Henry Newman. En efecto, la pregunta (...)
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    A Dissertation on Newman's Anglican Sermons, John Henry Newman y la condición antropológica como fundamento para la teología de la credibilidad: Estudio crítico de los sermones Anglicanos, 1824-1843 by Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares. [REVIEW]John T. Ford - 2016 - Newman Studies Journal 13 (2):85-87.
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    Consciousness as a natural kind and the methodological puzzle of consciousness.Henry Taylor - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (2):316-335.
    A new research programme conceives of consciousness as a natural kind. One proposed virtue of this approach is that it can help resolve the methodological puzzle of consciousness, which involves distinguishing consciousness from cognitive access. The present article raises a novel problem for this approach. The problem is rooted in the fact that there may be episodes of conscious experience that have not been classified as such. I argue that conceiving of consciousness as a natural kind cannot distinguish consciousness from (...)
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    (1 other version)Lectures on the Ethics of T. H. Green, Mr. Herbert Spencer and J. Martineau.Henry Sidgwick - 1871 - Bristol, U.K.: Thoemmes Press.
    One of the most influential of the Victorian philosophers, Henry Sidgwick also made important contributions to fields such as economics, political theory and classics. A proponent of the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, which he analysed in his classic work The Methods of Ethics , he later turned to the practical side of politics in this work, published in 1891. His aim was to have a 'rational discussion of political questions in modern states', and he offers (...)
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  9. Walden, or life in the Woods.Henry David Thoreau - unknown
  10. Contrary-to-duty obligations.Henry Prakken & Marek Sergot - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):91 - 115.
    We investigate under what conditions contrary-to-duty (CTD) structures lacking temporal and action elements can be given a coherent reading. We argue, contrary to some recent proposals, that CTD is not an instance of defeasible reasoning, and that methods of nonmonotonic logics are inadequate since they are unable to distinguish between defeasibility and violation of primary obligations. We propose a semantic framework based on the idea that primary and CTD obligations are obligations of different kinds: a CTD obligation pertains to, or (...)
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  11. The Limits of Machine Intelligence.Henry Shevlin, Karina Vold, Matthew Crosby & Marta Halina - 2019 - EMBO Reports 49177 (20).
    Despite there being little consensus on what intelligence is or how to measure it, the media and the public have become increasingly preoccupied with the concept owing to recent accomplishments in machine learning and research on artificial intelligence (AI). Governments and corporations are investing billions of dollars to fund researchers who are keen to produce an ever‐expanding range of artificial intelligent systems. More than 30 countries have announced such research initiatives over the past 3 years 1. For example, the EU (...)
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    Which Animals Matter?Henry Shevlin - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (1):177-200.
    Most people will grant that we bear special moral obligations toward at least some nonhuman animals that we do not bear toward inanimate objects like stones, mountains, or works of art. These moral obligations are plausibly grounded in the fact that many if not all nonhuman animals share important psychological states and capacities with us, such as consciousness, suffering, and goal-directed behavior. But which of these states and capacities are really critical for a creature’s possessing moral status, and how can (...)
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    The S-R reinforcement theory of extinction.Henry Gleitman, Jack Nachmias & Ulric Neisser - 1954 - Psychological Review 61 (1):23-33.
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    An Argumentation‐Based Analysis of the Simonshaven Case.Henry Prakken - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1068-1091.
    Prakken gives an argumentation‐based analysis of the manslaughter case using logical tools developed in AI. Prakken regards evidential argumentation as the construction and attack of ‘trees of inference’ from evidence to conclusions by applying generalizations. He argues that this approach clearly shows how evidence and hypotheses relate and what are the points of disagreement, but that it cannot give a clear overview over a case and lacks a systematic account of degrees of uncertainty.
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    Modal Combinatorialism is Consistent with S5.Henry Taylor - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):23-32.
    The combinatorial theory of modality has long been dogged by the supposed problem that it entails that S5 is not the correct logic for metaphysical modality. In this paper, I suggest a modification to combinatorialism, to eliminate this tension with S5. I argue that the resulting view is more in the spirit of combinatorialism than the original position.
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    Vocal learning, prosody, and basal ganglia: Don't underestimate their complexity.Andrea Ravignani, Mauricio Martins & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):570-571.
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    Ya Gone TINA: Remembering Charles W. Mills.Paget Henry - 2021 - CLR James Journal 27 (1):9-13.
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    (1 other version)The seeming unreality of the spiritual life.Henry Churchill King - 1908 - New York,: Macmillan.
    This is a reprint of the classic work by Henry Churchill King, "The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life."At Oberlin College from 1884, he taught in mathematics, philosophy, and theology. From 1902 to 1927, he was president of the college. With a tenure of 25 years, is Oberlin's longest-serving president. In 1919, he served on the King-Crane Commission, whose recommendations on the fair and just disposition of non-Turkish areas of the Ottoman Empire might, had they been followed, would have (...)
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  19. Finding the Old Testament in the New.Henry M. Shires - 1974
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  20. The Eschatology of Paul in the Light of Modern Scholarship.Henry M. Shires - 1966
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    Hedonism in the Protagoras.Henry G. Wolz - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (3):205-217.
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    Recent work in inductive logic.Henry Kyburg - 1983 - In Kenneth G. Lucey & Tibor R. Machan (eds.), Recent work in philosophy. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld. pp. 87--150.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography.Henry McDonald, Rudiger Safranski & Shelley Frisch - 2003 - Substance 32 (1):156.
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    Partial Entrustment in Pragmatic Clinical Trials.Henry S. Richardson & Mildred K. Cho - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (1):24-26.
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  25. Is panpsychism simple?Henry Taylor - 2019 - Analysis 79 (2):265-275.
    Some have argued that panpsychism offers the most simple view of reality. The most prominent advocate of this argument is Philip Goff. In this paper, I examine Goff’s position and argue that considerations of simplicity and parsimony do not support panpsychism. Quite the reverse: they give us good reason to reject it.
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  26. Boethius: The Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology, and Philosophy.Henry Chadwick - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (2):308-310.
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    Responding to Other People’s Posture: Visually Induced Motion Sickness From Naturally Generated Optic Flow.Henry E. Cook, Justin A. Hassebrock & L. James Smart - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Horn approximations of empirical data.Henry Kautz, Michael Kearns & Bart Selman - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (1):129-145.
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    Stakeholders’ Views on Barriers to Research on Controlled Substances.Henry Sacks, Rosamond Rhodes, Debbie Indyk, Tyler Bourgiose, Michael Andreae & Evelyn Rhodes - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (4):308-321.
    Many diseases and disease symptoms still lack effective treatment. At the same time, certain controversial Schedule I drugs, such as heroin and cannabis, have been reputed to have considerable therapeutic potential for addressing significant medical problems. Yet, there is a paucity of U.S. clinical studies on the therapeutic uses of controlled drugs. For example, people living with HIV/aids experience a variety of disease- and medication-related symptoms. Their chronic pain is intense, frequent, and difficult to treat. Nevertheless, clinical trials of compassionate (...)
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  30. Intentional Logic. A logic based on philosophical realism.Henry Babcock Veatch - 1953 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 7 (2):292-295.
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    Innovation in a Learning Healthcare System.Henry S. Sacks & Rosamond Rhodes - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):19-21.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 19-21.
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    The Normative Basis of Culture: A Philosophical Inquiry.Henry McDonald - 1986
  33. Protestant Churches and Industrial America.Henry F. May - 1949
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    Individual investigators and their research groups.Henry Etzkowitz - 1992 - Minerva 30 (1):28-50.
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    To the Barricades!Henry T. Greely - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (9):1-2.
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    Mill's “Proof” of the Principle of Utility.Henry R. West - 2006 - In Henry West (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Mill's Utilitarianism. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 174–183.
    This chapter contains section titled: Alternatives to Mill's Methodology Conclusion.
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    Is Christian experience an illusion?Henry Balmforth - 1923 - London,: Student Christian movement.
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    Science is not what you think: how it has changed, why we can't trust it, how it can be fixed.Henry H. Bauer - 2017 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    This book discusses the ways in which science, the touchstone of reliable knowledge in modern society, changed dramatically in the second half of the 20th century, becoming less trustworthy through excessive competitiveness and conflicts of interest.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer: Der handschriftliche Nachlass.Henry Walter Brann - 1970 - International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (4):664-667.
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  40. The Public Worship of God.Henry Sloane Coffin - 1946
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    Santo Tomás de Aquino y el Maestro Eckhart. Alcances en torno al ejemplo noético del muro en el De unitate intellectus contra averroistas.Sandro Paredes Díaz & Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (2):339-355.
    La relación entre Santo Tomás de Aquino y el Maestro Eckhart es un tema complejo, especialmente en lo referido a la noética. Nuestro trabajo explora la posibilidad de establecer conexiones y diferencias a partir del ejemplo noético del muro usado por el Aquinate en De unitate intellectus, y al cual Eckhart hace referencia en algunas de sus obras. Se ofrece un análisis del ejemplo del muro y su uso por parte de Eckhart en algunos de sus sermones y tratados. A (...)
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    Caminhos da moral moderna: a experiência luso-brasileira.José Maurício de Carvalho - 1995 - Belo Horizonte: Editora Itatiaia.
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    Resenha "La fé filosofia" de Karl Jaspers.José Maurício de Carvalho - 2017 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 8 (15):77-83.
    Por originar-se de uma reunião de conferências, inicialmente publicadas em alemão com o título _DerphilosophischeGlaube_ e, em 2003, traduzidas pelo editor espanhol, o livro não tem o formato propriamente de um livro. Falta-lhe não somente o aspecto formal mas uma unidade bem alinhavada. Contudo, percebe-se uma continuidade nas conferências e um esforço de aprofundamento das questões propostas. Da primeira à última o filósofoquer esclarecer o que é a fé filosófica numa verdade transcendente. Jaspers a apontacomo a marca da Filosofia em (...)
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    Creativity and Master Trends in Contemporary Sociological Theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (4):467-484.
    This article considers whether there exists today a movement of similar strength to the synthetic 'new theoretical movement' of the mid-1980s. The author argues that one main trend in sociological theory today is the notion of creativity and efforts to understand it conceptually. The contemporary growth of contingency, it is claimed, is closely related to this creative perspective. After examining Parsons's notion of 'double contingency', the article suggests that neither rationality nor normativity alone is able to dampen recognition of the (...)
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  45. Social Movements and Biodiversity on the Pacific Coast of Colombia.Arturo Escobar & Mauricio Pardo - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies. New York: Verso. pp. 288--314.
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  46. Jesus and Human Conflict.Henry A. Fast - 1959
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    The secret of life, death and immortality.Henry Fleetwood - 1909 - Los Angeles,: H. Fleetwood.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  48. The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible.Henry Snyder Gehman - 1970
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    Técnica de descomposición aplicada al problema de flujo de potencia óptimo multi-área.Mauricio Granada Echeverri & José Rs Mantovani - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  50. Conflitti identitari e laicità. Una premessa al dibattito sul multiculturalismo.Barbara Henry - 2017 - Post-Filosofie 2:173--184.
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